Sunday, 29 September 2013

kid snippets

Last night I watched kid snippets! I found this one especially funny because it remained me of last year on the last couple days of school! At school we did minute to win it, here is the kid snippet "minute to win it"!

Last night I also watched this kid snippet it is about a cooking show! In this one the two kids are  making bacon pancakes!

There is a song called bacon pancakes, it is right
below the cooking show video!

Wednesday, 4 September 2013


At Bluesfest I went to see: Teagen and Sara, Mother Mother, Fun, Serena rider!

It was very fun! At Bluesfest we met my Aunt, my Uncle and my cousins! 

A girl called India

India is 16 years old, and used to go to Churchill and Summit, but is now too sick to go to school at all.

Her family is raising money to do research into the rare disease she has and to hopefully find a cure.

She has something like Spinal Muscular Atrophy with Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsy but not exactly that.

So far there is no known cure or treatment.

So far she is the only person the doctors know has it.

For more information go to her website

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Ignite night

Tonight my class is doing something called Ignignt night and we have to make are own! But they have to be on the them of what we learned this year! It is very fun!
Here is the link to my own Ignignt presentation!

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Monsters And Men.

This song is called "King And Lionheart"
it is by Monsters And Men the animation
is by WeWhereMonkeys.
It is a very beautiful song but it is sad at the end 
but it is still a great song.  

This song is by the some people and so is the animation.
This song is called "Little Talks". Here is a link to there website 
I hope you like the songs and the website!

Monday, 6 May 2013

Material Girl

this is a song called" Material Girl" Walk Off The Earth did a cover of it.
I hope you like it!

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Plague research

The Plague and Medicine
by Fiona Macdonald
time pered-500-1500 in Europe

-Women where marred between 14 and 20.
-man where marred at the age or 18.

They lived...
-in dirty and stinky houses
-rats, fly's, flees, lice and mice lived in your house
-you would dump your garbage(toilet waste, food waste) outside your window
-you do not have windows
-you do not bath often.

The Black Death...
-from 1346-1353 the Plague was in Europe
-it was spread by fleas who bit rats who had the plague. so then the fleas would bite humans and pass it to them
-the people would get a fever and headache in a few hours, and then they would get blotchy spots. the spots were black and were called "buboes". the buboes were big and bumpy, like pimples but much bigger and very painful
-then the humans would die in 4 days
-if you had 10 people in your family probably 2 would survive
- the doctors thought cold foods were safer to eat  (cucumbers) that heating foods (garlic), they said to burn sweet smelling foods to ward off the bad air, and to stay indoors when the south wind blew, avoid baths as well

Friday, 26 April 2013

Fun Ukulele song!

"Somewhere Over the Rainbow" by E.V. Harburg and Harold Arlen
Verse 1:  [C]Somewhere [Em]over the rainbow
[F]Way up [C]high
[F]There's a [C]land that I heard of
[G7]Once in a lulla[C]by Verse 2:  [C]Somewhere [Em]over the rainbow
[F]Skies are [C]blue
[F]And the [C]dreams that you dare to
[G7]Dream really do come [C]true Chorus:  Some [C]day I'll wish upon a star
And [G7]wake up where the clouds are far be[F]hind me
Where [C]troubles melt like lemondrops
A[G7]way above the chimney tops
That's [Am]where you'll [F]find me Verse 3:
[C]Somewhere [Em]over the rainbow
[F]Bluebirds [C]fly
[F]Birds fly [C]over the rainbow
[G7]Why then, oh why can't [C]I? Ending: [C]If happy little bluebirds fly
Be[G7]yond the rainbow
Why, oh [F]why [G7]can't [C]I?

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Disney World Smilebox

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook
Create your own scrapbook - Powered by Smilebox
Free scrapbooking design personalized with Smilebox

Very cool song!

This is a very cool video. I love the song and the video because in has Jelly Beans in it and I love Jelly Beans!

What do you like about it? Tell me!
                                                       Thank you!

Monday, 1 April 2013

What makes a good teacher?

here are a few ideas that me and my mom came up with:

  • The teacher shares what he or she loves to do with the students so they can experience it to. some of the things my teachers have shared are: writing poetry, doing art, playing music, dancing .
  • A good teacher sometimes lets the kids choose the activities ( example: in gym, Shauna let us make the fit rotations. Not only did she allow them to chose the activities, they evaluated it as a group afterwards... asking 'what worked well and what didn't")
  • Getting down to the kids level
    • squat to talk
    • sitting on chair
  • Being creative, showing the students different ways to learn.
  • A good teacher is very organized (uses whiteboard, computer, label books & bins, book apartments)
  • He or she will switch up the classroom for a change. If something doesn't work the teacher shouldn't be afraid to change it:
    • make different seating plans so everybody can have a chance to sit with somebody different
    • change the layout of the room (carpet, bookshelves, etc.)
  • Be supportive and encouraging especially when the kid is having trouble, don't let the kid give up.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Guest Blogger - Kayren

This past Monday morning Gabby's cousin, Rowan, was born. He weighed 8 pounds 9 ounces. I wonder if we could think of 10 things that weigh around 8 pounds (besides baby Rowan!)...are up to the challenge? I could start:

1. a big chiuahua
2. 16 blood oranges & 8 bananas
3. 96 small ikea bowls
4. a fish from the Bay of Quinte

I'll add to the list as comments come in. :)

And in case you were wondering what 8 pounds of cuteness looks like:
1 day old

"I want him to come and live at our house"

Monday, 25 March 2013


This is a Turtle named Speedy. He is not my pet.

This is my cat named Kona. We named her after Conan the Barbarian

This is Miguel's Blog
He made some Pinwords to!

Thursday, 21 March 2013

goat sings a song

This is a very funny video. It is a cover of the song "Trouble" by Tayor Swift.Do you like it?

Sunday, 17 March 2013

What did you do on March break ?

What did you do on March break? Did you do nothing? Did you go outside? What did you do? Tell me in a comment please and thank you.

I really did nothing but 1 of my friends came over to my house to work on a project for school and then I went over to her house.

I also went to the art gallery with my cousin and aunt. We went into a room FULL of black balloons and it was very claustrophobic for me, I felt like I couldn't breathe well and I was too squished into a small space and that I wouldn't find my way out. I felt like I was going to die, but we found the door out. Martin Creed is the artist.

I went swimming twice, once at Plant Bath and once at Dovercourt, but not at the same time though.

We went to see the movie "Oz, the Great and Powerful". It was OK, not my #1 favourite movie, I don't know if I could recommend it, but it was still a OK movie. I went with my mom, sister, dad and aunt. My aunt is going to have a baby, but I don't know when. She wants to have the baby now, she's been carrying him for a long time.

We went to the library and I found a book called "The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom" . You can see more about the book at this link: I recommend this book to people who enjoy a mix of fairy tales. It is sort of confusing, but it is awesome. There are 4 Prince Charmings and this book tells their stories and then it collides into one story about them saving a princess who has already saved herself. You must read it.

I also went to Chapters and bought a graphic novel called "Cat's Cradle - Book 1 - The Golden Twine". I recommend it. It is about a girl who wants to be a monster trainer and she lives in a should get this book to find out more! The author is from Ottawa!

Personally I feel I didn't do anything on my March break, but maybe I did!

Sunday, 10 March 2013


This is Serena Ryder's song " Stompa"  I really like it because it is a really good song. I really hope you like it

Monday, 4 March 2013

Kid Snippets

The video above is very funny it is one of my favourite! I really like it because the "spooky stories" are more funny then spooky.
The video above is very funny because all of a sudden they start to sing.

moonwalking pony!!!!

This is a really cute video.  I really like it do you?

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Ukulele song

This is the Super Mario theme song played on the ukulele it is really cool!!! You should watch it.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Gift from Guatemala

Today my teacher's mom came in to show us how to make a hearing-aid. She was doing that in Guatemala (here is her link to her blog: and wanted to show us. Shauna was her volunteer to get a hearing-aid. One of my classmates went up to the stage and mixed something like playdough together and then Laurie put it into a needle, but NOT like a needle that goes into your skin, and then Laurie put this into Shauna's ear so she couldn't hear us as well. This was to make a mould of her ear. She kept it there until it was "dry", it came out easily.  And after that, I can't remember....if anyone from my class wants to comment on what happened next please do!

This doll is from Guatemala. Me and another classmate got one because we were the first ones to comment on our class blog. We guessed a rodent and a dog.

Thank You Laurie For Coming In!!!!

Bullies Called Him Pork Chop

I suggest you watch this video with your parents
because it is very sad .
(For me at least) 
The parts that make me feel really sad are:
-When she got called ugly
-The school halls where battlefeild
-She looks like a wrong answer that someone tried to earase but couldn't get the job done
-No one around choses to hear
-When the others slept we kept walking the tightrope
-Less to do with pain and more to do with beauty
My favourite animation style is at 4:27.
What is your favourite animation style and line??
Do you find anything hopeful in the spoken word poem??

Friday, 15 February 2013

Voldemort's song

This is a very funny video!
Do you like it?

who will win???

Who will win...

Dumbledore (Harry Potter)


Gandalf the Grey (Lord Of The Rings) ???

You decide with a comment!

My music teacher

Lemonade (Original Ukulele Song by Erin Saoirse Adair) 

NO CONFUSION - Music Video for Erin Saoirse Adair

Harry potter in 99 seconds

Wednesday, 16 January 2013


This is a song called "summer vibe" by Walk Off The Earth:

You can try to play it on the ukulele: