Thursday, 21 February 2013

Gift from Guatemala

Today my teacher's mom came in to show us how to make a hearing-aid. She was doing that in Guatemala (here is her link to her blog: and wanted to show us. Shauna was her volunteer to get a hearing-aid. One of my classmates went up to the stage and mixed something like playdough together and then Laurie put it into a needle, but NOT like a needle that goes into your skin, and then Laurie put this into Shauna's ear so she couldn't hear us as well. This was to make a mould of her ear. She kept it there until it was "dry", it came out easily.  And after that, I can't remember....if anyone from my class wants to comment on what happened next please do!

This doll is from Guatemala. Me and another classmate got one because we were the first ones to comment on our class blog. We guessed a rodent and a dog.

Thank You Laurie For Coming In!!!!


  1. She would usually drill a hole through it, then string a tube through it to attach to the actual hearing aid, but she couldn't do it because she didn't have the drill, she also showed us the carrier that you put your baby or work supplies to carry them around!

  2. you are so lucky and i hope your having a good time with the Guatemala gift peace
