Monday, 1 April 2013

What makes a good teacher?

here are a few ideas that me and my mom came up with:

  • The teacher shares what he or she loves to do with the students so they can experience it to. some of the things my teachers have shared are: writing poetry, doing art, playing music, dancing .
  • A good teacher sometimes lets the kids choose the activities ( example: in gym, Shauna let us make the fit rotations. Not only did she allow them to chose the activities, they evaluated it as a group afterwards... asking 'what worked well and what didn't")
  • Getting down to the kids level
    • squat to talk
    • sitting on chair
  • Being creative, showing the students different ways to learn.
  • A good teacher is very organized (uses whiteboard, computer, label books & bins, book apartments)
  • He or she will switch up the classroom for a change. If something doesn't work the teacher shouldn't be afraid to change it:
    • make different seating plans so everybody can have a chance to sit with somebody different
    • change the layout of the room (carpet, bookshelves, etc.)
  • Be supportive and encouraging especially when the kid is having trouble, don't let the kid give up.


  1. This is a very good list. You put a lot of thought into it. You must have good teachers at your school. Well done.
    G and G

  2. Wow Gabby! I'm sorry I didn't respond until now, but I didn't see this post at first! Great job, I love your ideas, and I liked how you talked about lots of different parts of being a teacher (like how to talk to kids, what to do for lessons, and lots more :) Sounds like you might make a good teacher someday!
