Thursday, 21 February 2013

Gift from Guatemala

Today my teacher's mom came in to show us how to make a hearing-aid. She was doing that in Guatemala (here is her link to her blog: and wanted to show us. Shauna was her volunteer to get a hearing-aid. One of my classmates went up to the stage and mixed something like playdough together and then Laurie put it into a needle, but NOT like a needle that goes into your skin, and then Laurie put this into Shauna's ear so she couldn't hear us as well. This was to make a mould of her ear. She kept it there until it was "dry", it came out easily.  And after that, I can't remember....if anyone from my class wants to comment on what happened next please do!

This doll is from Guatemala. Me and another classmate got one because we were the first ones to comment on our class blog. We guessed a rodent and a dog.

Thank You Laurie For Coming In!!!!

Bullies Called Him Pork Chop

I suggest you watch this video with your parents
because it is very sad .
(For me at least) 
The parts that make me feel really sad are:
-When she got called ugly
-The school halls where battlefeild
-She looks like a wrong answer that someone tried to earase but couldn't get the job done
-No one around choses to hear
-When the others slept we kept walking the tightrope
-Less to do with pain and more to do with beauty
My favourite animation style is at 4:27.
What is your favourite animation style and line??
Do you find anything hopeful in the spoken word poem??

Friday, 15 February 2013

Voldemort's song

This is a very funny video!
Do you like it?

who will win???

Who will win...

Dumbledore (Harry Potter)


Gandalf the Grey (Lord Of The Rings) ???

You decide with a comment!

My music teacher

Lemonade (Original Ukulele Song by Erin Saoirse Adair) 

NO CONFUSION - Music Video for Erin Saoirse Adair

Harry potter in 99 seconds